23/07/2021 – A good ol’ switcheroo..

The darling of avid intergalactic truth seekers, (Google) led me to the definitive Oxford language definition:

Switcheroo/ˌswɪtʃəˈruː /noun/ Informal North American

  1. A change, reversal, or exchange, especially a surprising or deceptive one.

It begs the question, “Why is there no #2, when there is #1”.?

Perhaps somebody “reconsidered”..?

Regardless, the search for an answer to that question seems redundant when the source includes the word “Oxford” in its title.

I instantly feel a warming, slightly repressive, “Cambridgy” sense of reassurance as the names evoke images in my mind of “ye olde worlde” cloisters, halls of learning, chesterfields and self titled caps (A.K.A “Mortar Boards”)

“Hey Tommo! I’ve bricked me fly in! Get Robbo to tell Stevo to post this on Insta will ya?”

Innately I trust that centuries-old institutions borne from the culture after which the very language is named, must indeed be the authority on such things.

I believe it’s the same response I had when I first heard the name, “Cambridge Analytica”…

Pardon me. I’ve gone tangential on y’all..

Example A: Messaging switcheroo..

Donald Trump's blog taken down and 'will not be returning'
“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” -Jan 22, 2020
“Look, we’re going to lose anywhere from 75,000, 80,000 to 100,000 people,” -May 3 2020

Not all switcheroos end up poorly..

Example B: Role switcheroo..

Classic Movie Review: 'The Terminator' (1984) - mxdwn Movies
“I’ll be back”
Audio Commentary Commentation | The Entertainment Nut | Page 2
“..I’ll be back”

..and there may be many.

n = 8(“I’ll be back”)
Schwarzenegger sworn in as California's governor, Nov. 17, 2003 - POLITICO
“I’ll be back” (until I’m not)

As an interesting aside, according to a website (which shall remain nameless) that appeared near the top of my search results for “The Terminator”, OJ Simpson was originally proposed for the role of “Terminator T-800” and “Arnie” Schwarzenegger for the role of “Kyle Reese”. However, the Terminator role was preferred by Arnie (possibly due to the reduced cognitive load required to manage the 20 spoken lines in the entire film).

James Cameron (Director) didn’t want Arnie in the role. The studio proposed O.J Simpson however, Cameron believed OJ’s nice-guy image would make his casting as a killer targeting a Los Angeles woman something of a stretch..!

Cameron hatched a somewhat rudimentary plan to interview Arnie and “pick a fight” in the hope that Arnie could be deemed unfit for the role but, as history tells us, he did a..

–you guessed it!

After being entertained by Arnie’s talk of how the villain would be played, he returned to the studio and declared that Arnie would, “..make a hell of a Terminator”.

Switcheroos aplenty right there..

They are prolific and pervasive and almost indistinguishable -but for hindsight.

The “unspoken agenda” gremlins beaver away evolving what is to become the retrospective playbook so that we can understand the truth behind many of our perplexing daily interactions and communications -after the fact.

Like my favourite reconstructed, deconstructed, sweetened, double-decaf, skinny soy, latte frappuccino these “U-turns” are carefully and artfully blended with the relentless stream of messaging that saturates our modern personal and professional lifestyles.

No Use Crying Over Spilled Beer
Deconstructed Pints failed to impress..

Often they’re hidden in plain sight, regularly practiced by the very organisations and people that loudly spruik integrity and demand our trust..

But for now, the time has come to descend from the soapbox, cue some lower-beta binaural beats, reconstruct my favourite deconstructed Ristretto.., pop some matchsticks under my eyelids and curl up on the Chesterfield with a few Hansard transcripts.

I’m sure I’ll find a few switcheroos there…

Have a great weekend.

04/06/2021 – Here we go!

GFC Vol. 1 Chapter 2, COVID-19 Melbourne Lockdown 4.0

A chant to the tune of John Philip Sousa’sThe Stars and Stripes Forever

1st verse:

“Here we go, here we go, here we goooo,

Here we go, here we go, here we goooo!

Here we go, here we go, here we go!!

Here, we go, here we go, here we go.”


“Here we go, here we go, here we goooo,

Here we go, here we go, here we go!

Here we go, here we go, here we goooo!!

Here, we go, here we go, here we go.”

I can’t recall the rest…

What I do recall after drinking deeply from the Al Pope’s Pierian Spring of knowledge (a.k.a.Wikipedia) (as discussed in a previous edition) is this:

“Here we go” was a football chant “written” by a veritable wordsmith named “Harold Spiro”, recorded by a group with the name of “Hoagy and The Terrace Choir” and released to the salivating English Premier League masses in 1976…

I am willing to bet Phil Sousa never envisioned his composition being seized upon and repurposed to serve organised hordes of disenfranchised, working class, bellowing, weapon carrying brawlers…

Soccer hooligan rampage is Rome's terrorist fears realized
“Oi! which way to the Met?

..or did he?

Soldiers marching ⬇ Video by © smuki Stock Footage #86146174
Everyone is out of step.. Except me.

Only the man himself will ever know.

John Phillip Sousa, 11-3-22 LOC npcc.07285 (crop).jpg
Phil’s elation upon hearing Hoagy and the team’s recording for the first time..

Fear and greed acting separately but in unison.

On one hand (at this minute) for those watching the crypto currency markets, the recent overall Bitcoin “Rate of Descent” in aviation terms, whilst not quite that of a lead balloon, is steep nevertheless.

On the other hand, for those whom are believers in cycles and patterns (also discussed in an previous edition) developed economies are, now departing “the base camp” and embarking on a reinvigourated ascent toward another global credit bubble around 20 years following the end of the last. It may not be coincidental that this is a generational time frame.

Reminiscent of Boyle’s Law, climbers’ backpacks, pockets and fists are distended by cash seeking a form of pressure equalisation via a loving new home (or homes) both, metaphorically and physically,

The stock markets’ rise and rise is making great fodder for national leaders, celebrities, winning market punters, taxi drivers, janitors and tradies and other walks of life not normally associated with expert economic analysis.

These folks often point to recent local share market curves as proof of a strong and growing economy whilst ignoring the facts that the market gains only go into the pockets of the investors (except for marginal tax) and We are not actually creating anything that can be traded for something else of value.

Coronavirus Australia eradication strategy would crash economy, says  Morrison
SCOMO pondering relish on snags

Thank goodness We can still sell dirt and the diggers and shovels are viewed as “cheap”..

Amid the chaos of accusations, recriminations and speculation around the current COVID outbreak, and while we are (more or less) on the subject of lead balloons and leadership, note that the latter begins with “lead”. When viewed literally and from the perspective of the mineral (Pb on the periodic table) the definition can be summarised via a tag cloud thus:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1-1024x336.png
Courtesy of tagcrowd.com

Therin lay numerous similar but uninspiring and unfortunately, common characteristics found among leadership.

Is it coincidence or some terrible joke?

Or, have we stumbled upon a new role title of “Lead-er” perhaps?

Have a great weekend.

13/03/2020 – Keep calm and have a G&T

Quick Start instructions.

Can we all breathe easier knowing that the World Health Organisation has officially “characterised” the COVID-19 outbreak as a Pandemic?

Perhaps not?

The term “Pandemic” describes the geographically, widespread nature of a disease (fear and greed being excellent examples)  but, it does not reflect in any way, the severity of the disease.

Epidemic” is similar insomuch as, it too, does not reflect the severity of the disease but the speed of propagation within a population (e.g. “panic-buying”)

I suggest that Pandemics were far less common when it took 6 months to travel from Australia to Europe across the High Seas if an Epidemic on the vessel didn’t get you first…

We are also just discovering how long we have been living in a global “Petrie Dish” (Thanks for that one Craig!) -thanks largely to the commoditisation (and speed) of global travel..

It’s all become largely academic. These terms have become conflated, manipulated and overused and are now synonymous with the very worst scenarios the media can imply and subsequently, humankind can envision.

In response:

Governments will “give” money to Business and qualified individuals and drop interest rates even further to stimulate spending (a “gift” that taxpayers will be required to repay later).

Some of the beneficiaries may even use the windfall for its intended purpose, but unlike Kevin Rudd/ Wayne Swan’s Feb 2009’s post-GFC gift spent by many on Chinese-manufactured big-screen TVs, these may be more difficult to come by this time around…

Who knows! With a bit of luck Australia may follow the lead of the President of The United States and get Payroll Tax waived altogether!

Picture of POTUS waiving.

Meanwhile, as global hysteria rages like an Australian, East-Coast Drought/Bushfire/Flood…..:

  • Stock markets tumble, (if I were a Taxi Driver I would be telling everyone to “buy the dip” because as we like to believe, “What comes down, must go up!”)
  • “Tourism” has a new meaning : “Leisure travel activities undertaken between the front and back door of your own home”.
  • Supply chains atrophy or break as they endure the “pincer movement” that comprises exponential, categorical demand (e.g. toilet paper and pasta) and workplace isolation initiatives that impede the loading of “stuff” onto trucks!
  • Inferior handy-towel pressed (or wiped) into service as toilet paper, blocks sewerage plumbing and treatment plants (and apparently contributes to “Fatbergs”! Yuk!)

There’s a boom-time coming for Plumbers!

Whilst there is no known vaccine for COVID-19 at this time, an old-fashioned ingredient found in the original recipes for Tonic Water –“Quinine” was used to treat malaria victims and synthetic stablemate, “Chloroquine” has been trialled in China with positive results.

Due to the bitter taste associated with the quinine, the clever British Colonials chose to mix it with Gin (presumably to make it more palatable) and such was the origin of the modern “Gin and Tonic”

So, based on the phrase “A little learning is a bad thing..

Courtesy of Alexander Pope (1688-1744)

“Al” Pope upon hearing a “bump in the night” (charcoal/water) 

“A little learning is a dang’rous thing;
drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring (mythical & metaphorical Macedonian “spring” of knowledge of art and science):
there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
and drinking largely sobers us again.”

..I’m off to Dan Murphy’s (no affiliation) to panic-buy up all stock of “Fever tree”.

Then I’ll head over to JB HiFi with my 3-tonne armoured, van and a bunch of cheap credit to bulk-buy-up big on Chinese 75” OLED TVs (reasoning that it’s a “perfect storm” for upgrades from the “Soooo 2009” 55” LEDs) …….

Finally I will kick back with a G&T or two and hedged against COVID-19 by that sweet, sweet Congolese, Cinchona-tree bark extract , I’ll wait for the toilet paper to roll in…..

Keep an eye out for me on ebay…..

P.S. I welcome any feedback, content suggestions, quotes, entertaining images or other contributions.

I will run the copy by you before including it in the mail-out -with full credit!

You may wish to stop receiving these messages. If so, please reply with “unsubscribe” in the subject field.

I know I can survive rejection as I did when, in anticipation of a cancelled Australian Grand Prix this weekend, I received no response to a Corey Worthington-style, 100 random FB invitations to attend a “Heavy Breathing Intensive” at mine.

09/04/2021 – Canaries

These popular (and noisy) little animals and members of the Finch family were (paradoxically) darlings of the “Silent Generation” pet-set.

Peter Finch - IMDb
Peter, however, was always the quiet one..

The canaries’ incessant twittering could be heard emanating from mineshafts, patios and kitchens throughout the first -world.

Girlitz Serinus serinus.jpg
A “European Serin” (Serinus) looking sceptical..

-A sound that has recently, been superceded by more insidious “digital noise”, furious thumb-taps and involuntary utterances of another type of global twitterer..

Elon Musk on SpaceX SN11 Mars rocket prototype test: 'At least the crater  is in the right place!' | | cbs46.com
That’s debatable…

“The canary in the coalmine”

Until the1980s in the U.S., U.K., Australia & Canada canaries were used in the underground mining industry. Their environmental sensitivity and noisy nature -an artefact of their lonely, tireless search for a “significant other”- were employed for detecting and alerting underground human miners to the presence of toxic gases like Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Carbon Monoxide and others that we’ve otherwise been content to release into the open air…

Other “Ex birdlife” was arguably, less useful.

Put simply, if the canary went quiet, it was assumed to be dead due to the presence of toxic gases and therefore a trigger to make a dash for the lifts….

“3rd floor; Manchester, Coking Coal, PPE….”

Hence, “The canary in the coalmine” as a metaphor for a (the) harbinger of “bad things”, has become embedded in our vernacular.

Looney Tunes | Monster Tweety Bird | WB Kids - YouTube
Sylvester gets it.

This is not to be confused with another avian metaphor for describing unknowable, cataclysmic events that were subsequently, “inappropriately rationalised” : “The Black Swan”

This is based on a Roman belief that black swans didn’t exist and hence, “..the observation of a single black swan would be the undoing of the logic of any system of thought, as well as any reasoning that followed from that underlying logic.”

Of course, (unlike the Romans) the folks from Dawlish U.K and we Australians KNOW they exist..

Swan Export Lager Premium - Swan - WA
Western Australia even named a river after it…

Could it be argued; if you were able to recognise and respond to all of the dead canaries, a “Black swan” (from this perspective) cannot exist or, is that a logical impossibility? In which case, would not the existence of a logical impossibility establish the very basis for a “Black Swan”?

Our natural predilection for “Negativity bias” means that we are often, (sometimes unconsciously) hypervigilant; anticipating and planning for the next appearance of our metaphorical, “Ex yellow feathered friends” among the many events that we witness.

Occasionally, our bias (and the metaphorical, ex-canary) serves us well. We believe we can recognise a portent relatively easily. Take for example, the historic (and truly hysterical) run on toilet paper following the General availability release of COVID-19..

Mostly however, the “canaries” are observed in plain sight; post-mortem and rendered in glorious 16k, super-slo-motion, 10000 frames/second by our ever-ready “hindsight” goggles..

For example reflect on how many Bitcoin “should have” been bought “..back when it was 25k..”..?

And then, there’s always the question of whether the canary is actually dead…

Mr. Praline: I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it, my lad. ‘E’s dead, that’s what’s wrong with it!

Owner: No, no, ‘e’s uh,…he’s resting.”

Or like the fallen forest tree, cannot be heard….

Notably, in either case, the death (or otherwise) of the canary cannot be established hence, the scenario has morphed into my favourite cat….

I made once (muttered below my breath) a mix of metaphors referencing the endless journey shared with avid ornithologists around the world: “One person’s “Canary in a coalmine” is another’s “Ex Parrot” unless it becomes a Black Swan”.

Have a great weekend.

18/12/2020 – “This is the First & Final Call..”

Does that ring a (albeit distant) bell?

And so, as we prepare to farewell another Gregorian calendar year

Pope Gregory XIII portrait.jpg
Thanks to his new calendar Greg always knew what day it was….

Except for those few, lucky gamblers -avid practitioners of cognitive bias combined with exceptional hindsight, soothsayers, professional tea-leaf readers & crystal-ball-gazers or Midweek Tattslotto ticket holders (spot the difference), few could have foreseen what unfolded in 2020?

In biblical terms, this year outperformed on the Australian stage. It opened strongly with Fire and continued with Drought and Disease. Flooding appeared in the closing act. Notable absentees from the lineup: Famine (on tour throughout impoverished areas of US) and Pestilence (if you don’t count politicians)

Although in reality, the pollies were all, “Working From Home”.

Trump Flips Out at Reporter in Thanksgiving Tantrum: “Don't Talk To Me That  Way!” | Vanity Fair
“How many times Melania??… This is NO LONGER your bedside table…..!

Whom will be successful in calling 2021?

One thing is for certain: There’ll be fewer days than 2020…

I’ll venture a handful of possible outcomes with a not insignificant probability of occurring in 2021:

  • The “One percent” will not become poorer
  • Australia will continue to live off “the fat of the land” -until China stops buying.
  • Trump will not serve two consecutive terms
  • We’ll all be one year older when it’s over….
  • Many more tasks will be carried out remotely than ever before.

It is well and good that we may rejoice in the passing of this year and express our wishes for a much improved future. However, in acknowledgement of the overwhelming human desire for “the way things were” and subsequent tendency to dial the rose tint up to “11” to filter unpleasantness..

Reality check on the fiscal cliff: Let's go ahead and jump off | News Day
At that point, Wile E. wished he got the Pre-holiday brake check

The idiom “Out of the frying pan and into the fire” comes to mind…

negative waves moriarty always with the negative waves cytat kelly s ... |  Kelly's heroes, Donald sutherland movies, Donald sutherland
Sgt Oddball had it right..

To All and your families,

May your holiday season be enjoyable & rejuvenating, peaceful and free from worry.

May your next year be healthful, prosperous and rewarding.

May your:

  • “Sooth” become “Fore”
  • Horse/dog/team/politician/snail/frog/ place first where the result not “rigged”…
  • Tea leaves settle in a manner pleasing to the eye
  • Crystal ball be filled with grand visions
  • Metaphorical, 3,000 bed, 15-deck, Tatts, (cruise) ship “come in”.



20/12/2019 – Another one bites the dust.

Another one bites the dust!

This is the final “Happy Friday!” email for 2019 and the decade!.

  • Cue emoticons..
  • Bust out your Grand-<insert relative here>’s mothballed hanky.
  • Set bottom lip to “pout”.
  • Assume your very best expression of “Cynical expectancy”.
  • All / some / none of the above.

..or rejoice like this guy and his “Best. Stick. Ever”.

Image result for tarsier stick"

Another festive season is upon us..

A single, Gregorian Calendar year (and decade) passes to the join the ranks of “has-beens” and in doing so, (ever so slightly) incrementing the rose-colour in our glasses and reaffirming:

“The older I get..

..The better I was”

Some consolation for this loss may be found in the form of a nascent, “heir to the throne”..

This hitherto, unrealised Year anxiously awaits its turn to briefly discard the cheap, purple-dyed, paper crown, eye-straining, plastic, mini-magnifying glass and duplicated “dad-jokes” of Christmas-Bon-Bon-past and don the once-in-a-lifetime, uniquely numbered, perpetual mantle of “This Year”.

The season brings with it, the (hopefully joyous) annual ceremonies and rituals involving feasts, family and friends (that sometimes remind us of why we only see each other once a year) Did I say that last bit aloud?

Here’s a refresher* -as per “Dad’s Top 10 science and physics definitions” listed in a previous “Happy Friday” edition. (I’ve taken the liberty* of attaching a copy for those that didn’t receive the original)

  1. Relativity: Family gatherings
  2. The theory of relativity: Family gatherings should be enjoyable.”

*A reference to a recent conversation “over beers” between a number of us in the EA team; I believe that quoting oneself (and referring to oneself in the third person) qualifies one as a “Tosser” and therefore, eligible for residency in a number of well-known Melbourne and Sydney suburbs that are home to the “aspiring affluent”.

Lest we forget

Two decades on, “Y2K-the sequel” (AKA PCI-DSS) has proven to be a stayer, with the latest version (3.2.1) of seemingly endless and (very) costly compliance, long surpassing the “Millennium Bug / Y2k bug / Y2k problem” as a major source of revenue for Consultancies, Auditors and QSAs for the time being (at least until 2038)

We have digital currency (approx 97% of currency in circulation) partly to thank for that.

Let’s not mention cryptocurrencies…

Here is a recent example of custom “Paddock Basher” commissioned by a first year, IB Graduate from a well-known tier one PCI-DSS compliance consultancy..:


Here’s a “Top 11” (one louder) courtesy of the 2010s:

  1. iPad. Initially criticised for its size, the iPad’s success spawned a rush of imitators from the competition and cemented the form-factor’s place in the personal device market. It also marked the next iteration of the “bigger/smaller is better” zeitgeist.
  2. Instagram
  3. The self-driving car
  4. The local video-rental store -vanished
  5. One-hour photo processing –gone
  6. Australian car manufacture –no longer “Australian”
  7. Consumer LED light bulbs
  8. “Gangnam Style” became the most watched video ever..
  9. Lady Gaga’s “meat dress” (the ultimate in recyclable fashion –unless you’re a non-red-meat eater..)
  10. Planking (a generally, beneficial physical exercise except when practiced in Australia where, similar to other Aussie pastimes e.g. croc wrestling, and train surfing, it can sometimes prove fatal..)
  11. “Crispr” -DNA-editing technology used in 2018 to edit a human embryo which, may result in the elimination of future #8, #9, #10 items..)

My New (Gregorian) Year resolution will be: I will not make a new year resolution

Wish me luck with that.

Depending upon on your choice of spelling and punctuation: “New year’s”, “New year”, “New years’”, we could argue the toss over whether the resolution applies to:

  • “New year’s eve/day” (Usually accompanied by caveats such as, “My judgment was impaired due to: festivity induced fatigue / intoxication / indifference / peer-group pressure / a wager / dare, etc.”
  • A single subsequent year
  • All subsequent years

In the case of the last two scenarios from the list above:

I suggest that there is a point in time when a year can no longer be deemed to be “New” and at that point in time, current “New Year” resolutions expire.

In the absence of a standard, it is reasonable that the “new” period may be “user defined” within the limits imposed by a year’s beginning and end.

A user-defined timing for “new year” may, for all intents and purposes, result in a resolution being unachievable.

So, armed with impeccable grammar and flawless logic you can be seen to be resolute for as long (or as briefly) as you see fit!


If you should find yourself beholden to a resolution that involves “exercise”, here is some inspiration from the irrepressible Joanna Rohrback and supporting cast: 

It’s “From the heart” and appropriately called (and registered thus), “Prancercise®”

Prancercise® is low-impact, gluten-free, low carbon emission, pro-social, non-contact and ostensibly, horse-friendly.

Warning: May contain traces of nuts.. (in all forms)

It is literally incredible.

The pre-requisites are minimal and ubiquitous, for a simple and versatile workout:

  1. At least one other participant (preferably more) to attempt to lend credibility for the benefit of observers.
  2. A paddock
  3. Some horses
  4. A soundtrack comprising up-beat “Muzak” that fuses 70’s disco with 90’s EDM and sporadic strains of Motown Funk

It left me speechless.

I wondered if the horses are willing participants or stunned refugees……

Please take some time to read the video disclaimer….

“Prancercise® -Fitness with passion”

Have a great weekend and may your.:

  • ..seasonal shopping be speedy, relaxing and untroubled by Prancercise® flash-mobs
  • ..horses be many, robust, and unfazed by random displays of loosely-coordinated “Prancercising” in the wild
  • ..festive season be safe and happy for you and yours
  • ..next 376-odd sunrises bring you all, the goodness and light to which, we are entitled.

P.S. I welcome any feedback, content suggestions, quotes, entertaining images or other contributions.

I will run the copy by you before including it in the mail-out -with full credit!

You may wish to stop receiving these messages. If so, please reply with “unsubscribe” in the subject field.

As sensitive as I am to rejection, I know I will survive, rebuild and one day, perhaps, become whole again.

02/10/2020 – Hobson’s choice

“Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black.” (Henry Ford, 1909)

Henry ford 1919.jpg
Henry sporting the latest in greyscale..

When black was the new…..black.

AKA (and the namesake of this message) a “Hobson’s choice”

“Thommo” Hobson looking appropriately stymied…

Choices can be easy or fraught. A choice implies a conscious and considered decision between two or more possible courses of action that may have significant consequences.

Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! Review - IGN
Ash had it easy…

And always remember, “doing nothing” is a perfectly valid and oft-exercised choice by “..many people”.

“Yes Virginia, they are real…”
..whereas THEY are Muppets.

The nature of choice is also exemplified by the nature-strip adorning, unloved & unused outcasts where one person’s choice of “trash” is another’s choice of “treasure”, (I can testify to this!)

One of my more remarkable nature-strip-sourced acquisitions:

Anyone for a jumbo, double-decaf, skinny soy Frappuccino?

McDonalds extended upon Henry’s initial concept and arguably, set the benchmark for decades in the fast-food industry by limiting choice to the degree that it too, could ensure a global, standard for consistency and quality.

Iceland livestreams 10-year-old McDonald's cheeseburger - BBC News
Behold the (streaming) quality ten years on!

..That was a winning strategy until choice became a major differentiator…

Nowadays with a bewildering array of choice before us, we are at serious risk of “choice fatigue”, motivated by apathy (now there’s an oxymoron!) and desensitised to the consequences of our chosen course of action, whatever they may be.

The resemblance is striking….

Nevertheless, I’m resolved to rail against this terrible yet inevitable scourge.

I will not give up and I will not be beaten.

I will gather the tools and technologies..

How flipping a coin can actually help you change your life | PBS NewsHour

..that will help me to select my choices from those before me..

“Heads” -the Chocolate Porter second from the left..

And I will own the consequences of my decisions..

Have a great weekend!

24/07/2020 – Surf’s up!

Yes, yes we’ve heard you…

To all those smug faces behind fingers that wag, admonishers that.. admonish and overnight “Prophets” whom only a matter of weeks prior were labelled “Doomsayers”….

You told us it would be so.

And you were right!

The second wave is upon us.

On the subject of waves, even if you have a limited experience of surfing, the concept of “sets” may be unfamiliar.

Please do not confuse the oceanic phenomenon with these smart twin sets from the 70’s….

Twins: And obviously, the best accessory to any outfit is a sheep whose wool matches the patterned sweater you're wearing. Of course, a scarf is a decent replacement
The sheep aren’t impressed..

In surfing parlance, a “set” describes the natural phenomenon whereby, a given sequence of 3-10 waves within a group (swell) increases in height until the highest wave passes and the cycle repeats.

Interestingly, the greater the distance travelled, the more ordered the group becomes. Similar to cruise ship passengers really..

..But then, that’s the arc of this message..

Introduction to Surfing and Surfing Science | WildMex Surf School ...
Line ’em up.

A “gun” surfer can read the frequency and period of sets and estimate when the largest waves are approaching thereby, identifying which waves are likely to yield the steepest (best) “ride”.

Quiksilver In Memory of Eddie Aikau 2014-15 Trailer - YouTube
After this “bomb”, Eddie headed straight back to the panel-van for a fresh set of “boardies”….

For mine, (being the pragmatic surfer wannabe), I just called it as I saw it. The tallest wave could be seen “out the back”, towering over those before it.

That was the signal for me to catch the next one and “Get out of Dodge” before the giant was upon me….

After a number of such harrowing experiences I gave up surfing (or paddling around on a surfboard) and took up professional Office Chair Racing.

Japan's office chair racers compete in 'grand prix' - BBC News
That’s me on the right heading up the factory TAC team…

There is a view that the famous “Michel de Nostredame” (Latinised to become “Nostradamus“) based the accuracy of his stock-in-trade prophesies for the entertainment (and reward) of the French aristocracy, on the observation that human and natural history exhibited patterns and hence, a tendency toward repetition.

This was also complimented by a notoriously vague narrative which made interpretation a global, historical pastime!

Nostradamus by Cesar.jpg
Michel (“Mic”) foreseeing his evening meal.

Interesting fact: “Mic” studied briefly at the University of Avignon but was forced to leave after just over a year when the university closed due to an outbreak of the plague!

I wonder if he “saw” THAT coming?….

Natural patterns exist regardless (and sometimes despite) human influence.

Could there be a hidden perspective that exists in the parallel patterns of natural phenomena that extends beyond being merely analogous?

And if so, what stories would it tell…?

Typical ocean wave profile [4]. | Download Scientific Diagram
Typical Ocean Wave profile
Courtesy of the WHO – Global COVID-19 mortality

There’s an UNPRECEDENTED* storm brewing 600km out in the Southern Ocean.

*Runner-up “Word Of The Year 2020”.

The swell will make Huge Saturday 1981 look like….

.. a much smaller version of itself.

Here’s my plan:

I’ll get online and order up 6 weeks’ worth of baked beans, pasta and tissues.

Then, I’m going to lock up my toilet paper, don my 3-layered washable face mask and “made in China” “Hawaiian” board shorts and fill a bath with a 70/30 mix of iso-propyl alcohol.

Finally I’ll crank the heating to a balmy 26 Deg (for extra protection of course!) loop my fave surf tracks, dial up “surf cam” on the ‘Tube, “hang loose” in the tub and watch those waves roll on through….

Have a great weekend!

05/06/2020 – Say what??

I was, one of 20-plus silent, motionless avatars attending a regular online meeting..

A few of us had employed copies of our staff ID images as avatars or ported images from other platforms.

Many had chosen cartoon characters, pet photos, or other symbols.

Others had elected for the default..

We were all contributing our time ostensibly, to listen attentively to the presenters, participate in feedback and leave the meeting all the wiser with the added bonus of having our social/professional bonds strengthened..

The discussion continued for some time without interruption and as the prevailing dialogue strayed in to subject matter that was irrelevant or inaccessible to me, I found myself scanning the avatars and beginning to ponder the value of online meetings between participants with no eyes or mouths…

6 Trends to Watch Out for in Online Meetings | No Jitter
“You’ve got broccoli in your teeth..”

Or ears..

Speak your mind…

I had an epiphany whilst evaluating the sheer number of hours spent daily in A/V communications against time otherwise spent doing “important stuff”.

Leveraging AI is the answer!

Virtually, enlightened, by Virtual Deepak..

AIs will be capable of capturing and assuming our point of view, extrapolating and translating it into audio/visual outputs to present to an audience of other AIs and in doing so, enable simultaneous participation in the seemingly uncapped number of daily con-calls freeing us to do the things that really move us like, training Machine Learning algorithms that delegate our AIs to newly-spawned AI meetings, watching our shares plummet and soar through a single trading session, online shopping for cat food or making toast…..

A brilliant application of technology – wouldn’t you agree?

Conveniently ignoring the efficacy of decision making; imagine a time when the only limiting factor to the number of meetings would be the resources available to host and attend millions of simultaneous AI interactions!

However, whilst in mid self-congratulation regarding my innovative application of technology, I was suddenly halted by the presenter’s announcement of a, “..pause for questions.”

Silence marked the beginning of “Mutefest”..

Seconds passed…

I scanned the opaque and motionless avatars for any sign of life hoping that an owner may indicate their participation and in so doing, validate the effort made by the presenter.

The seconds slowly ticked by..

I imagined the presenter waiting in anticipation for the “killer” yes/no question that has no right answer..

The silence became more awkward and it’s demands to be filled became deafening; amplified by the audience’s paralysing fear of being seen as responsible for a vacuous or inane response -just to fill the space..

Time almost stopped.

Finally the convener shocked the frozen discourse into life with , “If there are no further questions, we’ll finish up there”

“Thank you”

And with that, I marvelled upon the discovery of yet another unquestionable benefit to my AI meetings solution: “The end of Awkward Silence!”

Or, perhaps I have missed the point?

Have a great day!

29/05/2020 “Put a pillow on your fridge day”!!

Yes, some may consider this occasion to be “Bigger than Ben Hur” (a reference to the original, late 19th-century epic stage play, not the 1959 film starring NRA poster-child, Charlton Heston).

Incidentally, the film was also an epic boasting the biggest budget of the time at $15.175m and upon its release, it became the fastest and highest grossing film in 1959 It’s reasonable to expect that it would have to have achieved at least one significant milestone after 212 minutes of running time…

Charlton Heston of Benhur fame (With images) | Vespa vintage ...
Bumper sticker says, “My other chariot is a Vespa..”
Forget The Chariots! Behind The Scenes Of BEN-HUR With Charlton ...
A dashing & daring couple of lads..
Charlton Heston and Stephen Boyd ride around set on a vespa while ...
..except when Steve’s in the driver’s seat…

According to the sensibly-named website: daysoftheyear.comPut a pillow on your fridge day” is allegedly, an artefact of an early European and U.S. 20th Century custom that purports the placement of a piece of linen in a “larder” to be a harbinger of good luck and the abundance of food. Furthermore, it seems the correct observance of “PaPOYFriD” (a portmanteau minted this very minute!) is to place a pillow in the fridge presumably, in recognition of it’s key role in food storage.

Ben-Hur, 1959. Via http://hollywoodlady.tumblr.com/ (With images ...
What ever floats your Galleon..

In a slight departure from the purist’s approach, and with no disrespect intended, I celebrate PaPOYFriD by hanging my tea towels under the sink with the spuds…

Baz Bamigboye: Ordinary Joe to take on epic role of Ben-Hur in ...
“Out of my way you fools!” “Don’t you know what day it is??

So, after contemplating your approach to the observance of this grand tradition you may (understandably) feel compelled to ransack the linen press for an overly-loved pillow fit to share the fridge with your Fromager D’affinois and leftover pizza.

..or not.

If you come up empty here are some ideas for suitable replacements:

4 Reasons to Hire a Kid's Jumping Castle for Your Kid's Party ...
Drawn to scale…
Cushion & Pillow Hire | Feel Good Events | Melbourne
Imagine encountering this over midnight cake..?
Magnetic Therapy Pillow - Magnetic Contour Pillow
..with a free magnet!
Prone Anaesthetic Pillow | Patient Positioning Accessories
Space for your bull horn…

Have a great weekend.